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Immunities of African State Offcials and the Requests to cooperate pursuant to Warrants issued under the Rome Statute

Immunities of African State Offcials and the Requests to cooperate pursuant to Warrants issued under the Rome Statute

Auteur(s) : Aghem Hanson Ekori (Auteur)
Editeur(s) : GALDA VERLAG
Collection(s) :
Rayon(s) : Droit

Ean : 9783962033644
Date de parution : 10/06/2024

Résumé : In his book entitled Immunities of African State Officials and the Requests to cooperate pursuant to Warrants issued under the Rome Statute, Aghem Hanson Ekori thoroughly investigates and empirically demonstrates that while it is factual that the ICC has been accused of mostly prosecuting officials from African states, it is also admissible that most of these African state officials indicted by the ICC were suspected to have committed serious international crimes within its jurisdiction. He argued that the prosecution of state officials from non-state parties without consent is inconsistent with treaty norms and therefore ultra vires and that cooperation with the Court in matters of arrest is not automatic from non-state parties. He makes an undeniable and valuable contribution to the study of immunities before international courts by demonstrating that immunities before an international criminal court depends on the statute creating the court and not customary international law.
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