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Iran, cinema, theater

Iran, cinema, theater

Auteur(s) : Brigitte Gauthier (Auteur)
Editeur(s) : ENTRETEMPS ED
Collection(s) :

Ean : 9782355394188
Date de parution : 06/03/2025

Résumé :

A company that expresses itself internationally through its artists

It's a unique way of putting our knowledge of Iranian cinema into perspective, drawing on the influences and conditions of Iranian cinema's representations, and highlighting the mutually enriching interplay between our a priori very distinct cultures. This book chronicles the evolution of Iranian cinema from its New Wave period, which paralleled those of Europe, to the diversification of genres and its hold on today's cinema, thanks to the role of festivals and the renown of such great names as Abbas Kiarostami, whose major work is an inspiration to us all, and who was the subject of a major retrospective at the Musée Georges Pompidou. This text is a universal lesson in theater and cinema, and a journey through a culture that uses youth to say what cannot be said about human and political relationships.

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