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The Kybalion, A Study of The Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece : Unveiling the Seven Hermetic Principles : Your Guide to Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe and understand the wisdom of Hermeticism

The Kybalion, A Study of The Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece : Unveiling the Seven Hermetic Principles : Your Guide to Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe and understand the wisdom of Hermeticism

Editeur(s) : Culturea
Collection(s) : Alchimie et hermétisme

Public(s) : Tout public
Ean : 9791043104916
Date de parution : 21/07/2024

Résumé : Unlock the secrets of the universe with "The Kybalion," the definitive guide to the ancient wisdom of Hermeticism. This occult classic, shrouded in mystery, claims to be the essence of the teachings of the legendary sage Hermes Trismegistus. Penned by the enigmatic "Three Initiates," the book unveils seven universal principles that are the key to understanding the very fabric of reality... ©Electre 2024
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