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Broken Little Flowers of Cambodia : The Fight Against Sexual Exploitation of Children

Broken Little Flowers of Cambodia : The Fight Against Sexual Exploitation of Children

Auteur(s) : Guth, Christian (Auteur)
Editeur(s) : Atramenta
Collection(s) : LITTERATURE
Rayon(s) : Droit

Public(s) : Tout public
Ean : 9789523903654
Date de parution : 20/02/2023

Résumé : In the 1990s, Cambodia was a favorite hunting ground for international pedophiles. There was no shortage of impoverished children, and thanks to police and judiciary corruption, sexual predators operated with impunity, and human traffickers scoured the destitute villages to supply "fresh meat ? to brothels and to neighboring countries... ©Electre 2023
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